Terms & conditions of membership

Our membership terms

If you are a member at a centre in one of the following local authorities, please click the link below to view the membership terms and conditions, as these vary slightly from the contents of this page.

  • Northumberland
  • Norwich
  • Wandsworth
  • Elmbridge
  • Kingston
  • North Somerset
  • Spelthorne

View membership T&Cs

These Terms are for your Membership Agreement with Places for People Leisure. The
agreement commences from the start date indicated during the sign-up process. These
Terms are a legal agreement between us, so please make sure you read them carefully.
These Terms replace any previous versions and apply at all times and take priority over any
spoken communication by us.

We are dedicated to helping you take every opportunity to enjoy the equipment and
facilities that we offer. With this in mind, we have carefully considered what we can
reasonably expect of each other within our Health Commitment Statement which can be
found at the end of these Terms.

Health Commitment Statement


1.1 “Centre” is the Centre managed by the Company as identified in the membership sign up

1.2 “Company” means Places for People Leisure Limited and its subsidiary and associated
companies and is referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” throughout these terms.

1.3 “Manager” means the General Manager of the Centre.

1.4 “Minimum Term” is the period of membership set out in your confirmation email, during
which the Membership Agreement cannot be terminated by the member. Membership will
continue after the Minimum Term but can then be cancelled if required in accordance with
clause 11.

1.5 "Member" means the person for whom the membership is for and is referred to as “you”
or "your" throughout these terms. This includes Members taking part in sports courses.If the
membership is for someone under the age of 16, then the agreement is with the responsible
adult named in the Membership Application, who will assume liability for honouring any
membership or payment obligations, as detailed in this agreement.

1.6 “Membership Agreement” means the agreement between us consisting of these Terms
as varied in accordance with section 17.

1.7 "Online services" includes all activities provided via the Places Leisure app or our
websites, whether free or paid.

1.8 “Premises” means the Centre, including its grounds, car parks and access roads.

1.9 “Terms” means these terms and conditions of Membership.


2.1 Your Membership starts on the date of purchase.

2.2. We have the right to refuse or revoke membership or any request to change a

2.3 It is your responsibility to notify us if you feel you are eligible for a concessionary
membership. Proof of eligibility will be requested and must be supplied within 14 days of
the membership sign up process or the discount will be lost. Any fraudulent or wrongful
information given in order to obtain membership could result in the cancellation of your

2.4 With the exception of you cancelling your Membership Agreement during the cooling off period (as set out in section 3) or if we agree to refund fees where you cancel due to a change in our terms in accordance with section 17, we will not refund the joining fee in any circumstances. You will also need to pay the monthly subscription payment for the Minimum Term.


3.1 You have the right to cancel your membership for any reason by sending or taking a
written notice of cancellation, addressed to the Manager at your Centre within 14 days of
joining (i.e. within 14 days of purchase).

3.2 If you cancel during the cooling-off period we shall refund your initial payment in full,
including any joining fee paid.

3.3 If you cancel during the cooling-off period, we will refund you in the manner that you
paid originally. Cash payments will be refunded to your bank account. Refunds are processed at our head office. Please allow 10 working days for the refund to be completed.


4.1 When you join, we will give you a membership card which will require your photo to be
taken. The membership card may be physical or digital.

4.2 Your membership card may only be used by you and any fraudulent use of the
membership card will result in cancellation of your membership with no refund being made
by us.

4.3 You must bring your membership card with you each time you visit your Centre.

4.4 If you forget your card, we may ask to see a second suitable form of photographic
identification before we allow you to enter to your Centre.

4.5 We may delay your access to the Centre to give us enough time to record your visit.

4.6 Replacement cards are subject to a charge. Details of this charge are available from your

4.7 The membership card remains the property of the Company and entitles you to all the
rights and privileges exercisable by your category of membership.


5.1 By law, we do not have to pay you compensation for any service, facility or equipment
not being available because of health and safety reasons.

5.2 We will not pay you compensation if we have failed to carry out our duties due to:
(a) a fault of your own;
(b) someone else not connected with providing our services under these Terms;
or(c) events which we could not have known about beforehand even if we had taken all
reasonable care.

5.3 We have the right to make changes to the type of facilities we provide, if we give you
notice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by these changes unless this
loss or damage is caused by something we have done or failed to do or cannot be avoided
by law.

5.4 We have the right to make changes to the type of online services we provide, without
notice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by these changes unless this
loss or damage is caused by something we have done or failed to do or cannot be avoided
by law.

5.5 You bring all personal belongings to your Centre at your own risk. We accept no liability
for loss or damage to property of members which is not caused by us or our employees.

5.6 Nothing in these terms and conditions will exclude or limit our liability for fraud or death
or personal injury caused by our negligence.

5.7 Notwithstanding sections 5.1 to 5.6 above, if we are found to have any liability to you for
loss or damage to property our liability to compensate you is limited to a reasonable
amount, taking account of factors such as whether the damage was due to something we
did or failed to do.


6.1 It is your responsibility to make sure that you are capable of any activity you participate in.

6.2 You should consult your doctor before beginning any activity if you are not sure whether
or not it is suitable. If you have any concerns about your physical condition, you must get
medical advice before using our facilities or online services.

6.3 You should consult your doctor before beginning any activity if you are not sure whether
it is suitable. If you have any concerns about your physical condition, you must get medical
advice before using our facilities or online services.

6.4 Before using our facilities or online services, you must first complete a health
commitment statement. Whilst optional we also recommend a supervised gym
introduction with one of our qualified fitness advisors.

6.5 We may refuse you access to our facilities if we consider the use of such facilities could
put your health at risk. If you are taking part in a course, it is your responsibility to make us
aware of anything that may affect your participation in the Activity.


7.1 We may transfer the benefit of your Membership Agreement to a third party on similar
terms and conditions without notice to you.

7.2 You cannot transfer your membership to another person.


8.1 All categories of Centre membership, whether or not mentioned in these Terms, shall be
subject to the Membership Agreement and to the rules, bylaws and regulations of the
Centre which are in force at the time. Details of each type of membership are available on
request from your Centre.

8.2 Online services are subject to the rules, bylaws and regulations of the Company and the
third-party online service providers, presented at the time of purchase.

8.3 If this membership is for someone under the age of 16, then the agreement is with
the responsible adult, who will assume liability for honouring any membership or payment
obligations, as detailed in these Membership Terms and Conditions, and will assume
responsibility for the Junior member engaging with age-appropriate online services.

8.4 In the case of Premium memberships with affiliated Juniors, membership purchase shall
constitute acceptance of these Terms by all persons included in such membership and
reference in these Terms to “Member” shall include all such persons. Premium members are
required to bring their bank details to Centre when adding junior members. This is a
systems process and will not affect ongoing Direct Debit payments.

8.5 The Centre may at its sole discretion require Members to evidence their continued
qualification for their relevant membership type or discount. In the case of Juniors on
Premium memberships, the Premium member must be either the parent, legal guardian or
grandparent for all affiliated Junior members.

8.6 We retain the right to remove membership categories at our discretion.

8.7 You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the type of Membership


9.1 The Direct Debit payment amount is due from you to us. You are obligated to make
payments for the duration of the Minimum Term, with the first one being paid on the first
Direct Debit payment date and then every month thereafter, unless you cancel your
membership, or, in the case of Junior members, until the final month of eligibility. You will
receive an email shortly after joining, which will confirm your first Direct Debit date.

9.2 During your membership, you must pay your membership fees whether you use our
facilities and services or not, except where the cancellation terms stated in section 11 are met.

9.3 We reserve the right to increase membership fees at any point from the commencement
of your contract subject to us giving a minimum 10 working days’ notice. If you are unhappy
with the changes you may cancel your membership notwithstanding section 11 of these

9.4 Once you have completed the minimum number of Direct Debit payments we will
automatically continue collecting the Direct Debit payment amount every month. Your
membership will continue for one month for each payment. This Direct Debit payment
amount may only be amended if we advise you in writing giving not less than 10 working
days’ notice. Please note, if your membership included the benefit of a free period then we
will stop making collections during that free period and recommence making collections on
the renewal date.


10.1 This section is about what will happen if you have not paid your monthly subscription
payment for one of the reasons set out below:

10.1.1 the direct debit details you gave us were wrong;

10.1.2 there are not enough funds in your bank account;

10.1.3 you have cancelled your direct debit without giving us the notice we need as set out in
section 11.

10.2 Whilst you continue to owe us a monthly subscription payment you will not be allowed
to enter your Centre or any of our other Centres and we may cancel your membership.

10.3 If you fail to pay any monies due under this agreement or if any Direct Debit/cheque is
returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honoured for whatever reason, you
may be charged(i) an initial administration fee of £20; and (ii) any and all further reasonable
costs incurred by us in recovering the due fees and charges from you, including costs in
tracing you if you have changed your address without telling us.

10.4 If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than 30
days, then we may pass the debt to a third-party company for collection. The reasonable
and direct costs incurred in employing the third-party company will be borne by you
including costs in tracing you if you have changed your address without telling us.


11.1 You are able to cancel your membership during your Cooling-off Period. Refer to 3.1 for

11.2 You can cancel your membership if we increase your membership fees during your
Minimum Term.

11.3 You can cancel your membership after your Minimum Term by providing at least 15
days’ notice before the next direct debit collection to allow sufficient time to process your
request. We do not issue refunds, so your cancellation date will be set as the day that your
next direct debit is due.

11.3.1You may initiate the cancellation of your membership after your Minimum Term by
using one of the following methods. We encourage you to use the online option for your
(a) Logging into the Member Area of our website or Places Leisure app and selecting the
'My Memberships' option, select cancel against the membership you wish to cancel and
follow the instructions on screen
(b) Contacting the Membership Helpline by email - placesleisure@harlandsgroup.co.uk or
by telephone on 01444 221052

11.3.2 On receipt of your membership cancellation request we will cancel your membership
and notify you by email and confirm the expiry date of your membership. Once
membership cancellation has been confirmed, it is your responsibility to cancel the direct
debit instruction with your bank.

11.4 During the Minimum Term you may cancel the contract only:
(a) if we fail to provide the standard of facilities of service you would reasonably expect and
have fallen well below that standard.
(b) if we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably resulting in you being
subsequently unable to access the services.
(c) If you develop a medical condition which prevents you from using the services on an
ongoing basis. An appropriate medical practitioner must provide written evidence that this
is so.
(d) If you move to an area which is 15 miles or greater from one of our facilities we shall
require evidence that such a move has taken place. (Not applicable to online services.)
(e) If you lose your employment by redundancy and are subsequently unable to keep up
your repayments under this contract. You must produce documentary evidence.
(f) If you become pregnant. You must produce documentary evidence.

11.4.1 You may initiate a cancellation request whilst in your minimum term by logging into
the Member Area of our website or Places Leisure app, selecting the 'My Memberships'
option, select cancel against the membership you wish to cancel and follow the
instructions on screen. You will be asked to upload the relevant documentary evidence
during the request process if you are cancelling due to a reason listed in points c) d) e) or f)
above. Alternatively, please contact the Membership Helpline by email -
placesleisure@harlandsgroup.co.uk or by telephone on 01444 221052, please note the
Membership Helpline team will ask you to provide documentary evidence in accordance
with points c) d) e) f) as listed above if you are requesting to cancel for one of the listed

11.4.2 All cancelled memberships default to a free Places membership, which allows you to
'Pay as you Move' and continued free access to the Places Locker app. There is no


12.1 You can freeze your membership by providing at least 15 days’ notice before the next
direct debit collection to allow sufficient time to process your request.
You may freeze your membership payments, free of charge, for a minimum period of one
full calendar month and a maximum of three full calendar months at a time for one of the
following reasons: an ongoing medical condition, including concerns related to
Coronavirus; pregnancy, redundancy, religious grounds, temporary relocation to a location
15 miles away or greater. (Relocation not applicable to online services.)

12.2 If you do not meet any of the criteria set out in 12.1 you may freeze your membership
payments for a minimum period of one full calendar month and a maximum of three full
calendar months, at a time, subject to a monthly administration fee of £5, payment being
made as indicated by us.

12.3 For members taking part in sports courses, the option to freeze is only available for
medical reasons that prevent you from taking part in physical activity, where sufficient
evidence is provided.

12.4 You can freeze by logging into the Member Area of our website or Places Leisure app, selecting the 'My Memberships' option, select Freeze against the membership you wish to
suspend and follow the instructions on screen. Frozen months will be added onto your
Minimum Term.

12.5 If you would like to restart your membership and payments in advance of your freeze
period ending, please call our customer service team on 01444 221052 30 days prior to your chosen return date. We will automatically reactivate your membership on the return date you have provided unless you
have cancelled your membership in line with section 11.

12.6 You can continue to use the facilities while your membership is frozen by paying the
standard non-member casual rate for the activity.


13.1 We reserve the right to expel you from a Centre and/or end your membership with
notice if, at any time:

13.1.1 you break the conditions of your Membership Agreement;

13.1.2 you do not comply with the rules and regulations of your Centre, the Company or the
third-party online service providers, presented at the time of purchase. (Centre rules and
regulations will vary from Centre to Centre and are available on request. We may change
the Centre rules and regulations at any time.);

13.1.3 you allow another person to use your membership card or account details to access
the Centre or online services. (This section will not apply if you have told us that your card
has been lost or stolen.);

13.1.4 your conduct, whether or not such conduct is the subject of a complaint by another
member or group of members, is such that in our opinion, it may be injurious to the
character, name or interests of the Centre or is such that it makes you unfit to associate with
other members of the Centre;

13.1.5 any part of your monthly subscription payment which is due and payable remains
unpaid 30 days after the due date for payment.

13.2 In the event that we terminate your membership pursuant to clause 13.1, we will not
refund the joining fee or payments received. You will remain responsible for paying the
monthly subscription payments for the Minimum Term.

13.3 We may end your membership for any reason by giving you one full calendar month’s
written notice to cancel it. In these circumstances you will not have to pay any additional
subscriptions and we will refund any subscriptions you have paid in advance for the period
after cancellation.

13.4 When your membership has ended and we have taken the final payment from you, it is
your responsibility to cancel your direct debit to us at your bank.

13.5 If you are a corporate member, we reserve the right to cancel your corporate
membership if the agreement we have in place with the company you are associated with
or employed by ends or if you are no longer associated with or employed by that company.
We will be entitled to act on any notice the company gives to say that you are no longer
associated with or employed by them. Your company or we will tell you when your
corporate membership ends. We will then contact you to ascertain if you wish to remain a
member of the Centre and outline the options open to you.

13.6 Lapses in your monthly subscription payments may incur a new joining fee.


14.1 The facilities available to you depend on your Centre and your membership category.
Full details can be obtained from your Centre on request. Services and facilities not
included may be used by you at an additional charge. Where 'unlimited' is referenced, we
draw your attention to pool use and classes, which may be restricted at times due to
capacity and localised programming.

14.2 Your Centre’s normal hours of operation and the hours in which any facilities within the
Centre are available for use are available from your Centre on request. Such hours may be
lengthened or shortened at our discretion, including on bank holidays, with or without any
prior notice being given to you.

14.3 On occasion the Centre may be closed, or withdraw facilities for certain periods of time
to carry out cleaning, repairs, alterations, maintenance, security work or for any other reason
beyond our or the Centre’s control without giving you notice. In addition, we may at times
set aside facilities for tournaments, exhibitions or other social activities without giving you
notice. You will not be entitled to a refund if your Centre is closed in accordance with this

14.4 On occasion online services may not be available, or withdrawn for certain periods of
time to carry out maintenance, security work or for any other reason beyond our or service
provider's control without giving you notice. You will not be entitled to a refund if online
services are unavailable in accordance with this section.

14.5 We reserve the right to make reasonable alterations to the type of facilities and online
services provided without notice.

14.6 We will endeavour to give you reasonable notice of such closures, maintenance or


15.1 If we are not able to provide all the services and facilities at your Centre for 60 days in a
row or longer for “reasons or events outside of our reasonable control”, either you or us will
be entitled to cancel your membership within your contracted Minimum Term. By law, we
do not have to pay you compensation in these circumstances and during this period.

15.2 “Reasons or events outside of our reasonable control” could include, for example,
natural disasters, a government’s actions, war or national emergency, acts of terrorism,
protests, riot, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, lock-outs, strikes or other labour disputes
(whether or not they relate to our workforce), restraints or delays affecting our ability to get
supplies of suitable materials on time or at all.


16.1 We may change these Terms at any time.

16.2 When we do make changes that affect you, we will give you a minimum of 10 working
days’ notice of the changes that we plan to make. If you are not happy with the changes you
may cancel your membership notwithstanding section 11 of these Terms.


17.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that the contact information on your account is up to
date; this includes postal address, email address and phone numbers. This can be done by
logging into the Member Area of our website or Places Tracker app and selecting the 'My
Profile' option.


18.1 The parties do not intend that any of these terms of the Membership Agreement will be
enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person that is
not a party to it.


19.1 Your membership agreement is governed by the laws of England and any disputes will
be dealt with in the English Courts.


Places for People Leisure Limited treats the protection of personal data carefully. We will
use your personal data for the purposes of administering membership (including collecting
membership fees and other sums due to us), vetting people for membership, access
control, providing you with services such as maintaining training, fitness, health and diet
records, providing you with marketing information and internal administration such as
training, detection and prevention of crime (for which we do have CCTV monitoring in
certain places). We store your personal data in a secure manner within the UK. Where the
information is sensitive (for example, health and medical details) we take extra care of this
information and will not pass it to any other parties. Other information, we may pass to
contracting parties of ours, other relevant business and successor businesses. We will keep
your personal data for 3 years from the end of our relationship with you, this includes expiry
of your membership.

To find out further information on our Privacy and Data Protection Policy please visit our full Privacy Policy.

Registered in England No. 2585598. Registered Office: 305 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X
8QR VAT No: 823 8323 34